2012 40 Under Forty Honoree: Luke M. Vaillancourt

It’s our annual celebration of up-and-comers in the Central Massachusetts business world. The members of the Worcester Business Journal’s annual 40 Under Forty Class of 2012 grace 22 pages of our current issue.

They all have unique stories to tell: from how they discovered their respective callings, to who inspired them most, to the unique hobbies they engage in outside of work.

This year’s honorees were selected after a months-long call for nominations. We received about 75 nominations, then turned to our panel of judges — Bonnie Biocchi of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce, Meghan Liddy of Fidelity Bank (and a 40 Under Forty honoree, Class of 2010), Chris Mehne of Bowditch & Dewey and Ron Hadorn of the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester — for their feedback. Each nomination was evaluated based on the individual’s career trajectory, as well as his or her commitment to the local community.

Thirty of the 40 work at for-profit companies, while the other 10 work for nonprofits.

We’d also like to thank Tammy Woodard, who took the portraits of the honorees that appear in this edition.

2012 40 Under Forty: Luke M. Vaillancourt

40 Under Forty: Luke M. Vaillancourt DIRECTOR, DIGITAL MARKETING, Vaillancourt Folk Art
Company location: Sutton
Residence: Sutton
Favorite movie: “Rounders”

Career highlights: Two accomplishments that I take great pride in actually happened while I was entering into the workforce. The first was co-authoring a book with renowned publishing expert Frank Romano, Marketing 4 Digital: Advertising’s Guide to Print Markets. The second accomplishment, of which my friends never forgave me for and my wife has grown tired of me retelling, was having the ability to respectfully decline an offer to be Victoria’s Secret’s digital asset coordinator (i.e., managing their digital photographs) in New York City.

Community involvement: Part of the reason I decided to move back to Massachusetts was my love for the area, especially Worcester. My timing could not have been more perfect given my passion for the social, restaurant, and arts scenes. I sit on the members’ council at the Worcester Art Museum, chairing the 3rd Thursdays After Hours program. I founded two groups revolving around the hospitality industry — WorcesterScene.com and Worcester Foodies. I am also a trustee at my alma mater, Worcester Academy.

Biggest success: Balance. Many people draw a clear line that separates work from life, seemingly protecting one from the other. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to become obsolete in modern-day business without blurring that line. I have been successful in taking a holistic approach to work and life, as each is mutually beneficial to the other.

Biggest challenge: Staying current. It can be a full-time job staying up to date with the latest technologies, media and tools.

Mentors: As the son working for the family business, my mother’s artistic expertise and my father’s business experience has helped me to think in an analytical manner that merges creativity with methodology. There are also many friends that voice different perspectives, experiences and expectations that shape the way I think.

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Saia, Rick. “Meet Our 2012 40 Under Forty Honorees.” Worcester Business Journal. (2012): n. page. Print. <https://www.wbjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120903/PRINTEDITION/308309977/1002>.