Week 14

Football Week 14

Football Week 14

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First name
The initial of your last name.
Abbreviation of your state

Thursday December 5th

G1 - 8:20pm EST

Sunday December 8th

G2 - 1:00pm EST
G3 - 1:00pm EST
G4 - 1:00pm EST
G5 - 1:00pm EST
G6 - 1:00pm EST
G7 - 1:00pm EST
G8 - 1:00pm EST
G9 - 1:00pm EST
G10 - 1:00pm EST

G11 - 4:05pm EST
G12 - 4:25pm EST
G13 - 4:25pm EST
G14 - 4:25pm EST

G15 - Sunday Night Football 8:20pm EST

Monday December 9th

G16 - Monday Night Football 8:15pm EST

Combined Score of Final Game

Teams on a Bye