Porn drives everything.


I heard a statement a few years ago that went along these lines, “Every single medium that exists today is in existence because of the drive of pornography.” Whether it be films (one of the first “new media” outlets to watch porn), video cassettes (created to distribute porn more easily than film reels), or the Internet (used to check e-mail, IM, and watch porn). Thanks to MIT’s Media Lab the new not-for-profit One Laptop Per Child program—where schoolchildren in Nigerian where given a free laptop to be given “new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves”—these children were able to do what comes naturally to any male with technology: find porn.

Reuters Africa,

“Efforts to promote learning with laptops in a primary school in Abuja have gone awry as the pupils freely browse adult sites with explicit sexual materials.”

OLPC News dubs the program one pornographic image per child now. But, like all good things that come to an end, changes to the next round of laptops will include filters to prevent these children from doing what every child in developed worlds do—look at porn.

Won’t somebody think of the children??
